Sunday, April 30, 2017

More April

Love celebrating Ben's birthday.  It is just 5 days after Kinley's but, I always want to make sure it's special too!
Ben and I had a birthday lunch date on his day.
He got a green egg from the whole family as his birthday gift. We, of course, immediately made him grill burgers on his grill for us for a small family/friend dinner outside on his bday. I am excited about lots of delicious meals to come!

We sure miss this girl while she is at school. We can't wait until summer!

Ty learned to ride his bike without training wheels so this, coupled with the amazing April weather, meant countless evening rides. You will never hear me complain, I love our neighborhood this time of year.

I also promised Ty after busy season was over that we would spend one of Dylan's naptime putting his T-Rex model together.
No worries.
Just 53 simple 3D pieces to put together.
Ah! But, we did it!
And he is so proud.

Kinley's Brownie troop had a table at World Thinking Day.
Their country was Brazil and they had a lock-in meeting where they researched about Brazil, colored the flags, made their presentation trifold and made all their swaps to trade at World Thinking Day.
The actual event was pretty cool!
I loved going around with Kinley and learning about all the different countries throughout the world that the Girl Scouts had researched.
April April
Loved seeing a little Swiss Tatum with her Girl Scout troop too.

This boy is such a joy and a trooper.
He just goes with the flow and tags along wherever the big kids go.
Kinley has tutoring a couple days a week for 30 minutes. There isn't really enough time to go home in between but there is a park right around the corner.
We spend lots of days there.
Luckily Dylan makes even tutoring time look like so much fun.

He's always up to something though. If he is too quiet too long, he's probably into something. Like maybe a mud puddle outside right at naptime, dressed in his BSF best clothes.
He was so cute I took his picture.
Then he cried because he realized he was muddy.
Life as a two year old is hard.
April April April

One week in April, Mendy and Alex were keeping their niece and nephew, Lucy and Jack, for a few days.
My kids LOVE Lucy and begged if she could stay with us for a night.
L'Nae agreed it was ok so Lucy came to stay.
We watched a movie, Kinley, Lucy and Ty all slept together in Kinley's bed, they all slept in our monogrammed pjs from Aunt Minnie, we hunted some resurrection eggs and she even helped me take Ty to school.
April April April April April April

It was our fourth year to go see Thomas the Train.
We went after church one Sunday, rode Thomas, ate carnival food, got face tattoos, did the petting zoo and played in the sandbox.
April April April April April April April April April
Bye, Thomas! See you next year.

April's weather made for some great outdoor days.
Breakfast outside on the patio.
The zoo with Cannon, Austyn and Emory
April April April
I had to document that the hippos were out of the water this day. The only time I have ever seen them up and out of the water.

Dylan took Ryder on their first date.
He found a quarter on the floor at home and told me that he was going to use it to take Ryder to Chuck E Cheese and play the basketball game to buy her a lollipop. It was so detailed and so sweet, Ali and I just had to make it happen.
So we took the littles while the bigs were in school one day.
It truly was Ali's first time to ever take a child to Chuck E Cheese (What!?) She is amazing.
So, I took it upon myself to show her the ropes.
Coupons, the Skate Universe app, lunch buffet, etc. I know she is thanking me still for all she learned. But, really, these two had the best date and Ali and I said we hope that we get to chaperone all their dates in the future.
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