Saturday, January 28, 2017

Daddy (Uncle) Daughter Dance

The daddy daughter dance at our church this year ended up being the same weekend that Ben and I had booked our anniversary ski trip.
To say that we were SO sad when we realized this was an understatement.
The DDD is by far Kinley's favorite night of the entire year.
It has been so, so special for them. I talked to Kinley multiple times about this and gave her many options of what she could do.
Ben promised her he would take her for a date night a different time since he couldn't take her to the dance.
In the end, she decided she still wanted to go dance the night away at our church with all her friends and she wanted Uncle Alex to take her. She asked him one evening when they were over for dinner if he would take her and he said he would love to!
Of course, Alex gave Ben a hard time about it and joked that he would walk her down the aisle one day too for him. :)

I am not sure we will ever be able to top this DDD now because, you see, when you ask Uncle Alex, you get Aunt Minnie too.
She pulled out all the stops making Kinley's night special and we were getting pictures all day of her fun day of preparation.
Mendy painted her nails and toes, washed and dried and styled her hair all while Kinley was drinking her own "bubbly" and wearing a robe.
Dream day!
January 2017 January 2017 January 2017 January 2017 January 2017 January 2017 January 2017

Then Uncle Alex knocked on the door, brought her flowers and they had a little photo session.
January 2017 January 2017 January 2017

Alex did a great job loving on our girl and even taking a couple pics at the dance.
January 2017

We are SO thankful, for multiple reasons, that we do everyday life with Mendy and Alex and this was just one special, prime example of why.

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