Sunday, October 30, 2016

Visit to the Farm

We took a weekend to visit the Farm in October.
We didn't know it then, but it probably ended up being the last time we would stay at Inie's house in Simms.
Such a bitter sweet realization since that's the only house I know of for Inie and Bull my entire life.
So thankful we took time to play on her property and visit the pond.
Dylan's "silly face" - AKA he raises 2 fingers
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We all wore our Flying H gear to visit the farm for the day.
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Inside a grain bin
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Family selfie on the Ranger
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Kinley took her first turn driving the four wheeler.
She did a great job!
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America Ninja Warrior - Farm syle...the hay bale run
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Ben's version of heaven on earth...
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Evidence of a good day at the farm...
Loving on Inie before bedtime
We loved going with Inie to church and taking her out to lunch at the Junction.
We are so thankful that Inie is moving closer to us soon so we can visit her much more often.

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