Thursday, July 21, 2016

Summer Reading

For the first time ever, we were regulars at the public library this summer.
Kinley got her own library card, which thrilled her.
Who would have thought checking out and returning books would be so fun?!
The Summer Reading Program was such a hit.
Read some books, log them, turn in your log, spin the wheel and get prizes.
We spun the wheel pretty much every week during the summer on Wednesdays and my kids loved it so much!
More June More June More June
This was also the first time Dylan had his own activity which was toddler story time. He was super shy at first and wanted me to hold him the whole time.
But, slowly he learned the songs and opened up and by the end of the summer, he LOVED it!
We sing lots of the songs at home still.
More July Untitled
Playing after storytime and spinning the wheel
Ty LOVES to work on the computers
I hope we can keep up our regular visits during the school year too!

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