Thursday, June 30, 2016

More June

We celebrated Aunt Minnie's 29th Birthday More June More June More June More June
We went out to dinner at Mi Dia. Our husbands were there too but, didn't want a pic. What?
Wizard of Oz Bass Hall date night
More June
Swimming at Honey's house. Aunt Minnie and Cannon joined one day.
More June More June
Aunt Minnie and Cannon spent a couple nights with us while Alex was out of town and this is just typical of her.
Working on a chalkboard for a baby shower and letting Kinley sit right by her and help out.
More June
Meanwhile, I just sit and watch her and hold this boy.
More June
And we all wake up in the morning and stare at Cannon just like Ty. This boy has a heart of gold for babies, especially 'Nannon' as Dylan calls him.
More June
Family dinner at Black Walnut Café
Ty had a baby frog as a pet for a few days that he caught in Honey's yard but, we set it free after he showed a couple friends.
Honey helped Ty and Kinley set up a lemonade stand one day while I was at work. VBSs
Loving the Summer Days!

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