Saturday, June 4, 2016

Happy Birthday RigUp

Ben has been working at RigUp for 6 months now and it has absolutely been his favorite job of his life.
He loves the people he works with and is challenged each day and every day is new and exciting and different.
Working for a start up is always a risk and but we are so thankful for this job that God provided.  It was a rough road getting here that Ben endured and was humbled by and parts of it that he is really ready to leave behind but, we know God led us here through his past jobs and we are thankful. 

RigUp had its 2 year birthday / anniversary celebration in Austin on a Friday in early June.
Ben asked me maybe on Tuesday of that week if we could go to Austin on Friday for a quick overnight celebration.
Thankfully, mom agreed to babysit and we took off for about 24 hours.
The drive there was so fun. I love having Ben's undivided attention in the car and talking his ear off and making him take driving selfies with me.
Austin weekend

Group pic on the roof in Austin for the celebration.
Austin weekend
We went to dinner after with our favorites. Happy 2 year Birthday RigUp!
Austin weekend

Love the family connections to these men.
Xuan and Bart are best friends from college and in each other's weddings.
Matt and Mike were college roommates and Mike was in Matt's wedding too.
Will and his wife, Megan, are friends with Bart and sorority sisters with Olivia from college.
Brandon and I were in the accounting program in college at the same time.
Ben and I are the elderly of the group but it is still so much fun for us.

Wives....these girls are so, so awesome.
I look forward to any social RigUp gathering just to hang out with them.
Austin weekend

X-Games were in town that weekend and lots of people staying at our hotel so I made Ben, Megan
and Will take a pic with the Monster background in the lobby.
Austin weekend

The next morning, we found the "I love you so much" wall before we left town...because duh...I DO!
Austin weekend

Ben even let me stop for lunch at the Magnolia Market Silo food trucks.
We really just looked around and ate because we didn't have time to wait in line an hour to buy stuff. But, it was fun to see.
Austin weekend Austin weekend Austin weekend
So thankful for quick kid-free getaways with my love.

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