Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent our inaugural weekend at the lake for Memorial Day.
It was just a family weekend, which I love so much. 
My mom came for a couple days but my dad was in Africa with the church and she left a little early when he got home from his trip.
I love, love having all the grandparents together.
I was really bad at taking pics this weekend and didn't even get one with my mom and the kids before she left.
But, that only means we were just living in the moment and having a great time!

It was a rainy weekend but, we did manage to get outside and get some sun and play in the lake.
Memorial Day weekend Memorial Day weekend Memorial Day weekend

Helping dad drive the boat Memorial Day weekend Memorial Day weekend Memorial Day weekend

Ty and Uncle Alex went fishing and Ty reeled in his own catfish and kissed it for luck before throwing it back in.
Memorial Day weekend

We have some new neighbors at the lake and they have a 7 year old girl named Addison and Kinley and Ty loved having a friend to play with!
Memorial Day weekend

Rainy days make for muddy shoes...but, they are so cute all lined up in a row after a bath.
Memorial Day weekend

Cannon's first lake trip...loved getting in some snuggles over the weekend.
Memorial Day weekend Memorial Day weekend Memorial Day weekend

It was all good and fun, and would have been the best, if not for the......FLEAS! 
Somehow, all four of our dogs got fleas.
It was terrible.
We washed all the sheets, swept and vacuumed all surfaces, gave every dog multiple flea baths and then did it allllll again when we got home.
Vet visits for flea medicine, flea baths, washing, washing, washing.
It was pretty terrible.
Never again will I take my dog to the lake.
Anything to prevent the clean up of fleas again.
Anyway....I choose to forget that and remember the weekend like this....

My people.
Love them so.
Memorial Day weekend

Sure sign of a fun time on the way home. Asleep holding a bottle.
Memorial Day weekend

We know Memorial Day is not about relaxing on the lake with family.
It is a day of remembrance for so many who have lost their lives fighting for our freedom.
We are so, so thankful for their sacrifice for us.

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