Monday, May 16, 2016

Cannon Cope Harrison

There is just way too much to say about the birth of Cannon to say in one blogpost.
Cannon is the answer to so many prayers and such a blessing to our family.  

I was one of the lucky few who was privileged to be in the room with Mendy when Cannon was born on May 9, 2016.  She was such a trooper and labored all day pretty much and could not look more beautiful during it all.
Cannon Cope Harrison

Mendy had Kristen & Allison make some Best Day Ever shirts for the family on Cannon's birthday.

Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison

It was my first time being in the room when a baby was born that wasn't my own and it was so, so different and just so incredible.
 Mendy was amazing.
She worked hard and tirelessly for what felt like forever and it was so inspiring.  
What was also so incredible was the women and support system in there with Mendy.  
We were surrounding her and cheering her on and were holding our breath right alongside her.  
It felt like we were back in the old days when all the women in the family would go in the house and help with the birth.  
It felt just like it should be.  
So many prayers and so much encouragement and SO much joy.

And Cannon was and still is PERFECT.
He has been such a joy and has kept us so grounded in the weeks since his birth.  
I got to be there that first evening when they weighed and measured him.
Get ready for an insane amount of baby pictures of not even my own baby.
I just can't help it.
 Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison
Mendy's recovery process did not exactly go as planned and that first night Cannon was born was one of the worst of Alex's life.  
After we all left to go home and sleep and leave them to relish their time alone as a family of three, things started to go downhill for Mendy.  
She had an extremely rough night and ended up having to go into emergency surgery before we even woke up the next morning.
Pretty sure it took a few years off of Alex's life going through that night on his own the first few hours being a dad.   
We got this beautiful picture of Mendy as we woke up that first morning that she was out of surgery and cuddling Cannon.
Cannon Cope Harrison

We spent every day at the hospital that week.  
As much as I could be there, I was.  
We learned more and more each day with each passing nurse how close we were to losing Mendy. There were additional procedures, blood transfusions, medicine IVS, oxygen tubes.  She was covered.  
We are so, so thankful and overwhelmed that God protected her. 

I had so, so much help from my mom and many friends with kids and meals all so I could be there with Mendy and Alex for support and to help with Cannon.  
And I held him as much as I could while Mendy recovered.

Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison

At Mendy's request, I even did some skin to skin with Cannon and loved every second.
Cannon Cope Harrison

This picture is from Stacee who kept all 6 of our kids at my house one evening so that Ben and I could go be with Mendy and Alex and Cannon.
They went on a neighborhood walk and everyone, even Dylan, picked up a walking stick.

Cannon Cope Harrison

After several days, when the finally came home, seeing Mendy and Cannon home healthy and safe was the best sight I have ever seen. 
Cannon Cope Harrison

I am not even exaggerating when I say I have been so, totally spoiled in the amount that I get to see Cannon.
Every.Single.Day. I go over and hold him even for just a few minutes.
It's like my eyes need to see that Mendy and Cannon are home and well and healthy to be able to believe it.
Such a dream that they are only one street away.
It makes the daily drop-in just too convenient. Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison

He took a few early field trips to our house too for dinner and just to give Mendy and Alex a change of scenery.
Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison

After a about a week of my kids begging like crazy to hold Cannon and complaining that everyday when we go over to Minnie and Alex's they "never get to hold him because you always do" I finally let them have some turns.
Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison Cannon Cope Harrison
You can tell Cannon is really hurting for attention and never gets any love.
Cannon Cope Harrison
Oh what a joy these first couple weeks with Cannon have been. 
Mendy is slowly still recovering but, we are beyond thankful for our Dr. and friend, Martin, who has cared for Mendy so wonderfully. 

We plan on all going to donate blood on Cannon's birthday each year to hopefully help some other families who need blood transfusions in the future.

Oh Cannon, you are worth it all and we love you so! 

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