Monday, April 4, 2016

Ben's hand injury and Birthday

One Sunday afternoon in April, a couple days before his birthday, Ben was trying to raise the seat on Ty's bike and began to cut off a zip tie that was attached to it with his pocket knife and slipped. 
 He sliced his finger pretty deep and it was an immediate need for the emergency room and some stitches.
 It wasn't near as dramatic as Kinley's hand injury, but it did bring back lots of memories. 
Sorry, some of these are gross.
April 2016 April 2016 
 I was the weird wife in the ER asking to take lots of pictures of the injury.
 Luckily this doctor was patient with me. 
April 2016 
All stitched up 
April 2016 
They wrapped him up really good for a day or so and this is him at dinner that night.
April 2016 

What is NOT funny is that he pulled out his same pocket knife on the way home to try to slice the hospital bracelet off his wrist. 
Who does that?? 

A couple days later we celebrated Ben's birthday at the Harrisons. 
 Ben asked for a yellow cake with chocolate icing and looked through my cookie cutters and decided that he wanted a man holding a turkey on top. Can you see it??
April 2016 April 2016 April 2016 
Dylan couldn't wait to dig in to the cake.
April 2016 April 2016 
 The day of his actual bday, the boys and I met him for lunch.
 Three most handsome boys I know!
(can you spot those stitches?)
April 2016 

Happy Birthday to the Man of my dreams and my best friend.  I can't imagine my life without you by my side.  
I love you so much.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!

    Children are so resilient! I'll bet it made to sense to Ben to yank out his pocket knife again. I'd be tempted to abscond with that knife, just for a bit.

    That's life though. You hurt yourself, you pull out your knife again, then, you enjoy your birthday!

    Leonardo @ U.S. Healthworks Medical Group
