Saturday, April 30, 2016


To sum up April....lots of taxes to do for me, means little blogging happening. 
But, still lots of fun where we can get it. 

 A fun mommy-daughter night out at the Bass Hall to see Little Mermaid with my #1 girl.
Daddy so sweetly gave up his ticket to that show for Kinley
April 2016 April 2016 
Love that our seats are right next to the Bartels. 
April 2016 
We also celebrated AG's birthday at Sweet & Sassy 
April 2016 April 2016 April 2016 
 I went to chapel with Ty on day at school. Love watching him sing praise songs to Jesus. 
April 2016. April 2016 
 Days with Dylan.... 
Doesn't every one year old carry around a huge dinosaur and umbrella in the car with them? 
April 2016 
We get outside as much as we can and he helps me with the yardwork. 
April 2016 
This swing is the greatest. My kids love it. 
April 2016 
Kinley got to go with her Daisy troop and see the wildflowers they planted at the beginning of the year that have bloomed. 
April 2016 
We love when friends come to play. 
Very rarely are they all sitting in one place and watching a movie so I snapped a pic. 
April 2016 
A little bit later... 
April 2016 
Mendy, Kinley and I had a girls day out shopping in Southlake 
April 2016 April 2016 
We can't stop playing basketball since Ella's birthday party in March. 
We set up a court on the deck outside and have "dribbling contests" non stop. 
April 2016 
Honey got to keep Anson a couple times in April which we LOVE
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 In our house, pants are overrated Untitled\ Untitled 

Anson loves Haley and is so sweet giving her some love
April 2016
He got to some see one of Ty's evening soccer games
April 2016 April 2016 April 2016 Untitled

These superheros had a great check up with our ENT Doctor. Both doing well past ear tubes, tonsils/adenoids. Dylan's ear tubes are about out so another follow up in the Fall to see if we need another surgery for new tubes or if he's doing great. We are hoping for his speech to improve a lot this summer.

Honey and I took Kinley and Ty to see Seussical at Casa Manana and it might have been my favorite one yet. It was so cute! Picture by the sign....but, why is Ty such a BOY! 
We celebrated Guiliana's 5th birthday at Altitude trampoline park.
 It was our first time there and although my kids LOVED gave me total anxiety. 
 We saw at least 2 bloody noses and a broken arm while we were there! 
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We obviously tried to confine our kids to foam pit where injury was less likely. 
And Dylan's favorite thing was just stacking up the blocks and knocking them over into the pit. 
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  1. Love these pics from Gs party!! So blessed to have friends help us celebrate!!

  2. Love these pics from Gs party!! So blessed to have friends help us celebrate!!
