Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

Easter seemed to come and go in a whirlwind because it was early this year. 
We managed to squeeze in a few Easter festivities though.

We did our Resurrection Eggs again this year.
I love this tradition so much.
 For each of the 12 days before Easter, we hunt for one egg a day that takes us through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
 It helps keep focus on the reason we have Easter at all.

We also did some egg dying....
 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016

We did some hunting for our lunch in the backyard... 
Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016

We had Easter Egg lunches at school
 Easter 2016

And we did the Saturday Easter bunny again.
The Saturday bunny began a few years ago when I started singing at church on Easter. I didn't want to miss the baskets on Sunday morning so we did it Saturday.
I really think it was the Lord just hitting me in the face with an obvious way to keep Sunday about Jesus.
 In our house, that is how it remains.
 Sunday is for the resurrection.
We want to build more excitement for Jesus than the bunny.
So the Saturday comes and goes and we get excited that Sunday is coming!

New matching spring PJs courtesy of MendyKayeDesigns.
Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016
These bunny face sunglasses were pretty cute.  
Easter 2016

I absolutely loved singing at Easter services again this year.
It is my most favorite, favorite service the entire year.
It is always so, so emotional and moving and this year was no exception.
I was teary most of the 7 services.
I will keep coming back to Easter services as much as they will let me.  It is an honor and a privlidge to watch God work in the hearts of people during that time of year.
 Thanks to my dad and Ali's mom, we got a few stage pics. 
Easter 2016 Easter 2016 
Green room with the worship team 
Easter 2016 
Easter 2016 
Attempt at a family Easter pic
 Easter 2016 

Traditional Easter brunch at Aunt Jan's complete with more egg dying, egg hunting and the best company. We missed Pepa this year but it was so good to be together in a familiar way to continue traditions.
 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 Easter 2016 
After Aunt Jan's house we did Easter with the Harrisons and had just one more egg hunt :) 
Easter 2016 
  Happy Easter from the Harrisons! 
Easter 2016

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