Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

We had a fun Valentine's season with lots of school parties and celebratory get-togethers. 
Kinley made her Valentine's box into a puppy dog. 
Everything was heart shaped...feet, nose, mouth, tongue, ears, eyes, everything, It turned out pretty cute.
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We busted out the Valentines glasses again this year for Kinley and Ty gave some super hero masks.
Valentine's Day 2016 Valentine's Day 2016 Valentine's Day 2016 Valentine's Day 2016
Ty's valentines party was much easier on me as room mom than the Christmas party.
We pretty much just did our own room decorations and the teachers planned all the activities.
We played color bingo, read a book and had ice cream sundaes.
 I love this silly boy.
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And Ms. Vicki and Ms. Mitzi are THE BEST teachers!
Valentine's Day 2016 Valentine's Day 2016
We had Valentine's playgroup over at the Bartels.
Valentine's Day 2016
I considered this Dylan's valentine party and called for a selfie from the selfie king.
Valentine's Day 2016
I actually got to go to Kinley's party this time because the parties were on different days.
 It was pretty much the exact same party as Ty's...crafting, valentines bingo and ice cream sundaes.
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Kinley and Jaymes
Valentine's Day 2016
 I loved seeing what all she got in her valentine box from her sweet friends.
Valentine's Day 2016
Some classmates posing in the glasses she gave them.
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Class pic
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Valentine lunch that day with Savannah
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I kid you not, this was one kid's "Valentine box" at Kinley's school.
 For the love.
 I mean, how will Riley's mom top that next year??? 
Valentine's Day 2016
Bridge is my friend Channing's son and just a dream.
He loves the US presidents and could not, for the life of him, figure out why we weren't all celebrating Abraham Lincoln's birthday instead of valentines day. He even recited all the US presidents from me, in order, from George Washington to Barack Obama.
 Valentine's Day 2016
We even got a sweet treat on our front porch from Bridge's family full of stuff to make heart shaped valentine cookies. It was such a sweet gift and activity for us to do. Valentine's Day 2016 Valentine's Day 2016
Valentine's day was actually on a Sunday. The kids each had a bag of treats to open before church.
 Valentine's Day 2016
In the afternoon, we went to Casa Manana with Honey and saw School House Rock.
Valentine's Day 2016 Valentine's Day 2016
And Sunday night we had Honey and Boss and Anson over for dinner. Bart and Olivia were out of town so we got to have Anson with us.
 It was so fun!
 Valentine's Day 2016
Group dinner pic.  Kinley can't just smile.
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Honey and Boss with their grandkid Valentines.
 This is real life.
Valentine's Day 2016
 I don't have a pic of me and my number one Valentine. I guess I need to be better about that.
But, he is the love of my life for so many reasons.
 Just one thing I love is how hands-on he loves our kids.
He takes the time to make homemade pizza with them when they want it for dinner.
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 And he just holds them when they want to cuddle a little.
 Be still my heart.
February 2016
And just to recognize how well he listens and pays attention, I had been talking for weeks about how I wanted the Magnolia wreath from Magnolia Market for my mantle centerpiece since I was about to throw Mendy's baby shower.
 I kept changing my mind because it was too expensive. But, sure enough the day before the shower, he was driving home from Austin and stopped off in Waco to grab the wreath for me for Valentine's Day.
I decided it to hang over my kitchen sink window for the shower, Untitled
and truth be told, I haven't moved it since.
I love it.
Thanks babe!

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