Friday, December 11, 2015

Christmas musical theatre with Honey

We went to see Frosty the Snowman with Honey through our season tickets to Casa Manana. 
 We even took Dylan this time and everyone actually did pretty good! 
Frosty the Snowman at Casa 
 This photo booth was so fun with the little cute signs. This one sums up Ty perfect. 
Frosty the Snowman at Casa Frosty the Snowman at Casa 
Kinley was the only one who wanted a pic with Frosty 
Frosty the Snowman at Casa 

Honey made sure to pre-order a ticket for us to visit Santa and we were a little more prepared this time with more festive clothing than our Grapevine Mills visit. 
Plus we got a crying baby Santa pic which are my favorite. 
Poor Dylan, he was crying so hard that the whole line noticed. My sweet friend Liz came up to me and jokingly whispered in my ear "Who's baby is that?" Poor guy. 
  Oh but it's so much cuter with a crying baby.  I think if they are all happy next year I will just pinch one to make them cry.
Frosty the Snowman at Casa 
Only pic I tried to get in with the kids...didn't quite work 
Frosty the Snowman at Casa 
They like it much better without me.
 Frosty the Snowman at Casa Frosty the Snowman at Casa 

Honey also bought tickets for us to see Elf through Dallas Summer Musicals at Fair Park. 
We took Kinley and Ty. It was a late show on a school night and we didn't even leave the theatre until 10:00 but, it was so fun. 
Ty fell asleep during the first act and we thought we might try to leave at intermission but Kinley wasn't having it. She was loving every second. 
 So Ty got a second wind and made it through the second half and all the way home too.  I don't think we ever stopped singing "It's the story of Buddddyyyyy the Elf....." the entire way home.
 It was such a fun night. 

Ty as Buddy the Elf 
Elf at DSM 
Kinley as Buddy the Elf 
Elf at DSM Elf at DSM 
We got to write and mail letters to Santa at intermission 
Elf at DSM Elf at DSM 
Thanks so much for all the fun theatre outings Honey! 
Elf at DSM

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