Friday, October 9, 2015

Kinley's first Girl Scouts Meeting

Kinley is a Daisy this year! 
 I think Kristen and I were Daisy's and a Brownies growing up but never made it to the Girl Scout status. 
 Kinley has a few friends at school that are in Daisy's and she asked to get involved this year too. She has meetings one Friday a month right after school. 
 They wear their Daisy vest on meeting days and Kinley was so excited to wear hers. Thanks to Aunt Minnie for helping me get it ready. 
 She is in Troop 1402. I think Kristen and I were troop 1440 back in the day.
  Kinley's first girl scout meeting 
Her first meeting was at Hall's Pumpkin Farm. 
 They each had to earn $3 throughout the week prior to be able to purchase her own pumpkin. 
 She helped clean up dishes after dinner, clean the playroom and her room, and took care of Haley also. She was excited to buy her own pumpkin. 
 They recited the Girl Scout promise, made sure to leave their snack area cleaner than they found it, and learned the Girl Scout handshake. 

We had a private hay ride and fed the cows and mini donkeys.
  Kinley's first girl scout meeting Kinley's first girl scout meeting Kinley's first girl scout meeting 
Gotta love feeding the cows...that long tongue. 
Pretty sure Kinley was trying to get the cow to stick hers out. 
Kinley's first girl scout meeting 
Donkey feeding... 
Kinley's first girl scout meeting Kinley's first girl scout meeting 
Kinley and Jaymes our sweet bestie from down the street. 
 They are in the same class at school and can walk to each others house. So fun! 
Kinley's first girl scout meeting 
We sat down after the hayride with our leader Ms. Margaret who did such an amazing job teaching from the Girl Scout Handbook. 
Kinley's first girl scout meeting
A little play time and our first meeting was in the books! If anyone is hungry for Girl Scout cookies this year, I know where you can get some :)

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