Friday, October 23, 2015

Great Wolf Lodge

The plan was for me to leave for a fun girls trip to New York City but, the Texas weather had another thing planned.  My flight was supposed to depart one hour after Lindsey and Shea's.  They got off just fine but, after 6 hours at the airport and a cancelled flight, it was time to call it a day. 

Fortunately, it was the best of both worlds for me because instead of going home, I got to go with my family to Great Wolf Lodge for the first time!  I had already shed a small tear that all my family was going without me, even though I was excited about my girls trip.  It ended up working  out perfect that I got to do both!

I arrived after hours at the airport to these three sweet faces so excited to see me.  It was so fun.

GWL 2015 We ate dinner then the kids went trick-or-treating. GWL was all decked out for Halloween so here were multiple places for them to go an get some candy around the hotel and the wolf ears were all orange.
 GWL 2015 GWL 2015 GWL 2015 GWL 2015
 After trick-or-treating the kids put on their pjs for storytime.
GWL 2015
Only Kinley was interested in a pic with Violet.
 GWL 2015
After storytime, we went to the arcade to play some games.  Ben won a stuffed animal for Kinley right away out of the grabber machine.  I don't know how he can do those so well but, he wins almost every time.
GWL 2015 
We went to bed and I got up the next morning for a new flight to NYC. The kids got to eat breakfast and swim with everyone.
Untitled It worked out perfect and was so fun!

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