Sunday, September 13, 2015

Harrisons take San Antonio

For months we have had a little Harrison family getaway planned to San Antonio. 
K-State was playing a game there vs. UTSA and Gary wanted to go so he booked us all a hotel for two nights that weekend. 
Alex and Gary had tickets to the game while the rest of us had Sea World on the agenda.

 Friday we took Kinley and Ty out of school a little early and made the road trip down. We had a great dinner on the riverwalk that night all dressed in K-State colors. 
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After dinner it was a little late for a riverboat ride, but not quite time for bed so we walked a few blocks to see the Alamo at night.
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Why are there always weird, slightly-trashy touristy places near state and national landmarks?
 I mean, there was a Ripley's Believe it or Not and a Madame Toussad's wax Museum right across the street from the Alamo.
 So weird.
 But Ty did want a pic with these Avenger superheros that were inside the door and you didn't have to pay to, I guess it was a win?

Kinley and Ty wanted to sleep with Uncle Alex and Aunt Minnie Friday night. They did great and slept all night and Mendy sent me these pics of them in the window the next morning watching a beautiful sunrise.
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We had breakfast at the hotel and headed off to Sea World!

 Visiting Sea World in the "off season" was actually awesome. It was not crowded, the number of shows was cut back, and the water park was closed.
 So, it really made doing it in one day easy and not too crazy.
 We pretty much saw every single show.
I make Ben take lots of selfies with me because he hates them.
Kinley doesn't hate them so much.
Kinley's absolute favorite was "Sea Lion High."
 It was like a Disney channel show with Sea Lions, where they haven't quite passed all their classes in high school and they are competing for a college scholarship.
 Afterwards, they got to buy some squid and fish and feed the sea lions which was pretty cool.
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We spent some good time in the Sesame Street Bay area where the kids rode rides and played on the playscape.
The Shamu "roller coaster"
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Even Dylan enjoyed the toddler area and climbing in and out.
Both Dylan and Ty fell asleep in the stroller at different times of the day.
During Ty's nap, Kinley enjoyed the company of the mascot, saw some penguins, and had an ice cream popsicle.
 I guess it pays to not take a nap?
We stayed hydrated, out of the heat, rested and well fed as much we could at all the shows we could see.
 Popcorn and cotton candy were on the menu.
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The Azul show with the dolphins and Beluga whales was pretty impressive.
 It was like Cirque du Soleil for sea animals.
We ended the day with the One World Killer Whale show and those whales kind of take your breath away.
 They are crazy cool.
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 We couldn't leave without our own plush dolphins, sharks and whales.

We had a late dinner and ice cream on the river walk.
 My kids are right at home with Uncle Alex and Aunt Minnie.
 So, so sweet.
These are my people. I can't even believe it.

Sunday morning started off, finally, with a riverboat ride that Kinley and Ty were begging for.
 It was a nice morning for a river ride and such a great way to see San Antonio.
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Before we headed home we stopped by to tour the Alamo.
 It was a quick but fantastic trip and I can't wait to go back soon!

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