Friday, July 17, 2015

Swimming with Ms Norma

We did two weeks of swimming lessons with Ms Norma this year. 
Arabella, Guiliana and Ryland took with us. 
I just can't say enough good things about Ms Norma. 
She is patient and such a calming instructor for the kids. I don't know what it is about her. We could say the same things she does and give the same advice to our kids without them listening but, when she says it, they just do it! It's amazing.
 Both kids grew leaps and bounds in their swimming over those two weeks.
Ty and Ry-Ry noodle racing
IMG_1575 July 2015 
Here is a little video of some of their swimming skills. 
 My kids loved it when I did the slow-mo videos of them off the board so there are a couple in here too. 
Ms. Norma isn't allowed to quit teaching until Dylan knows how to swim.
Until next  year!

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