Friday, July 31, 2015

More July

Catching up on a little July activities: 
Birthday celebrations - 
 Macy and Katelyn turned 4
July 2015
Uncle Matt Matt turned 27
Untitled  July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 
Uncle Alex turned 29 - 
yes, Dylan is toppless and Ty is laying in my lap during dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings. 
 We are so classy. 
July 2015 July 2015 
Cow Appreciation Day - 
Thank goodness for shirts already made from last year! 
July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 July 2015
We had the best visits from some Fogles! 
Jen, Eden, Jack and Owen came in town and we spent some good time with them. Kinley got to have a sleepover with Eden while Ty was recovering from surgery and they were in heaven.
 July 2015 
Mindy and Maverick Fogle also came over while they were visiting Texas.  We miss them SO much and just beg them to move back. 
These boys could be best friends! 
July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 
 Swimming at the Nordells 
July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 July 2015
Singing at Compass during the movie series with Ali on Big Hero 6 week...posing with Baymax.
 July 2015
CHHS girls dinner! We try to plan these but they rarely happen. This was a fun night at LaHa celebrating Sarah and sweet baby to be Jensen!
July 2015
Compass Family VBS - Superhero theme!
July 2015 July 2015 July 2015
July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 July 2015 July 2015

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