Monday, July 27, 2015

Baseball class

Ty has been in a baseball skills class this summer with his buddies. 
It isn't a team or even really tee ball. It's just a skill building class where they learn which way to run the bases and how to run and stop on a base, how to hit the ball off the tee and track the ball on the ground and in the air when it's thrown. 
He LOVES this class. 
He asks every day pretty much when he gets to go back to baseball.
The last class was parent participation day and I was the only mom down on the field.
 I even ran the bases with baby in tow one time.
 But Ty could not have cared less.
He loved having us out there.
It was so fun!
Coach Camille showing them where each base is. July 2015
In their "dugout" July 2015

All the dads...we will make sure Ben gets a chance to go to the end of Fall season parent day.
 July 2015
Dylan hanging out on the field with us.
July 2015

Sweet Cheesing boy with his baseball medal.
 July 2015
Cutest boys...just missing Sean Ryan and Hudson. 
July 2015 July 2015
Here are a few videos.
 July 2015 July 2015
 Go Sluggers!
 July 2015

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