Monday, June 8, 2015

Ty Ty time

I love spending one on one time with each of my kids. 
It is so special to me. 
I really wanted to spend some time with Ty before Kinleys school let out for summer so one day we went to the gym and put Dylan in childcare and had some fun mommy-Ty time. 
We played outside, swam in the pool and atelunch in the cafe.
 I treasured those two hours.
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Ty is handling being his middle-child status so well. He loves being both a little AND a big brother. He follows Kinley around constantly and always wants to be doing what she is. He can pester her daily but mostly they are just best friends and always want to be together. 

He loves loving on Dylan and wants to help him eat, change diapers, make him smile and laugh and cuddle with him. As gently as possible. I see lots of wrestling in our future but right now he is mostly just gentle and sweet. 

Ty has had to be very patient with me while I am attending to Dylan and he can definitely hold his own. He can work the TV by himself and any iPad or phone. He can get his own snacks, and does so often, and can play independently in the playroom for as long as I need him to. I try each day to spend some time with Ty working on puzzles or flash cards or letters or just listening to him talk about trains or watch a tv show with him when Dylan is down but mostly I need those times to work. It is one of the hardest thing a about being a mom and working from home. So, both Ty and I are thrilled that Kinley is home for summer to keeps in company during those times. 

Ty still wants me to sing him a song for bed every night. Lately it rotates between a few "Jesus" songs. Jesus loves me, Jesus loves the little children, John 3:16 song, or the B-I-B-L-E. He also loves twinkle, twinkle, Pete the cat, and old Mc Howe had a Farm. We end with a prayer every night and this time is such an important part and highlight of every day for me. 

Ty is very into sleeping in his underwear lately and it is hilarious. He is still my best sleeper and I look so forward to when he wakes up in the morning and walks into the kitchen wth groggy eyes in those big boy underwear and a big smile. Ty, you have a smile that still melts my heart. You climb right into my arms every morning to start the day with a big hug to start the day and it is my favorite thing. 

He rarely ever takes a nap anymore but he definitely could. He has a rest time on the couch each day to watch a show and ever since we have severely limited his screen time, this is his favorite time of the day sometimes. But some days I find him like this, shirtless and sleeping during nap time. 

There are definitely moments of strong personality and will typical of any 3 and a half year old but mostly you are just sweet and loving and hilarious. 

Ty is very into showing off his "muscles" lately. It is pretty much how we get him to eat anything at dinner. With each bite we can see his muscles growing bigger and he is happy to show us again. I love how he flexes with his fists in from of his face instead of out to the side. I don't know where he learned this but I. Love. It. Here is a video Aunt Minnie took at dinner one night. 

Ty you can brighten up any tough day with your positivity and smile. You are so funny and make me laugh multiple times a day. You have such a joyful, thankful and encouraging spirit. 

I love you sweet Ty Ty boy. 

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