Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Kinley - Lunch visitors

Kinley has had lots of lunch visitors the last few weeks of school. She is one loved on girl and she was thrilled to have a rotation of special visitors. 

Of course Dylan and I visit her on occasion and she loves showing off her baby brother to her friends.
 Aunt Minnie came and ate with her one day and apparently Kinley couldn't take a normal picture
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 And her some of her playgroup friends wanted to come see what lunch in kindergarten was like so they have been taking turns eating lunch with Kinley every week. Maverick came
Arabella and Giuliana came 
And on her very last day of lunch at school Annabelle Grace and Sean Ryan came.
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Leslie said Kinley was very nervous about being on the stage because that is against the rules but they really wanted a picture next to the tiger. Ha!

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