Thursday, April 30, 2015

Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip and Art Awareness Show

Kinley has had some really fun days this spring as we are nearing the end of Kindergarten. I can't even believe I just typed that. 
 I got to go with her to the Dallas Zoo on her field trip and it was so fun! 
 We always go to the Fort Worth Zoo. I am not even sure if I've ever been to the Dallas Zoo in my life. But, apparently they have recently done massive renovations and I was so, so impressed with it! 
 I will definitely take the whole family back some day. 
 I know Ty would love the dinosaur exhibit they have and the sky monorail and the African Savannah exhibit with the giraffes, elephants and zebras is amazing to see. 
 I love getting to spend a day one-on-one with Kinley. 
It is so special!    
Our little group for the field trip 
And they definitely have some great animal statues to climb on at the Dallas Zoo too 
Some class friends
The African Savannah exhibit 
You can even feed the giraffes out of your hand! 
 They are close enough to pet. 
Kinley's best friends in her class, twins Claire & Erika 
Class picture! 
Another group picture with the BIG D letters that are all over Dallas. 

We also got to go one morning to the Kindergarten Art Awareness show to see all the art work Kinley has done each month.
Sweet sister walking brother to her class. 
 I love these moments so much. 
Back in their class they presented their Zoo project to us. 
 They paired this project with our zoo field trip and all had animals to research on the iPads and observe at the zoo. 
 They made trifold presentations, diagramed their animals on the iPad, wrote down observations and research points and build environmental dioramas. 
 Here is Kinley with her shoebox diorama on her animal, the tiger.
We have LOVED Kindergarten so, so much.  I can't believe it is almost over.  So excited for the few events we have left like field day and the end of year ceremony! And I am SO ready for summer.  I can't wait to have Kinley back home with us everyday for a little while.

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