Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Kindergarten Rodeo

These are just the moments in Kindergarten you live for! 
 Field trips and class parties and special performances! 
 Oh they are so fun. 

 They talked up the Kindergarten rodeo for weeks and the anticipation built for a long time because they had to re-scheduke it TWICE due to snow. 

 But, finally the day came and those sweet little 5 and 6 year olds got to dress up like cowboys and girls show off all they had been practicing. 
 The entire Kindergarten is only three classes, less than 60 kids, so it's just like a cute little family. 

 First they started by singing us a few songs they learned in music "Deep in the Heart of Texas," "She'll be coming around the Mountain" and stuff like that....but my favorite song was called "Saddle Sore" where they act like they have been riding the range all day long and their little bums are sore from the saddle.
 It was hysterical. 
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After the song portion, we cleared out space in the center of the cafeteria for the rodeo events. 
 The kids walked back in with their stick horses they made and named in class. Kinley named her horse Rosie.

This is Kinley when she saw Ty and Dylan...she just gets so excited to see her little brothers.
Kinley's sweet teacher, Mrs. Richardson, is showing off how to do the first event "Bucking Broncos!" Untitled Untitled Untitled 
 Then there were some "Barrel Races" around cones.
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And last some line dancing. 
Kinley's class has more girls than boys so her partner was her sweet friend, Addison, that's on her soccer team. 
 They were adorable. 
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Family pic attempt after the Rodeo.  At least we can document that we were all there!
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 I just love school performances. 
 Cannot wait for more to come!

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