Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Dylan's Baby Dedication

Dylan got dedicated at our church last weekend.
 I was glad I could complete the trio of having all three dedicated at Compass.
Kinley was dedicated by our sweet friend Matt Fogle on her own before they did baby dedication services at church.
Ty's was very similar to Dylan's.
We all went on stage in front of the crowd for them to pray over us and commit to supporting us while we commit to raise our kids to know and love Jesus the best we can.
There was a reception with light snacks, a slideshow and a gift after that we didn't really stay for. It was sweet but, we were hungry for dinner and not into the crowd by that time.
But, Dylan did get his My Faith Book that I am excited to fill out.
Thankfully mom and Mendy took a couple of pics on their phone for us.
There were so many babies this time! It is awesome to see our church growing with young families and what new friends that we will get to know better as our kids grow up together at Compass.
We got to stand right by our friends the Williams, with Ryder, and the Harigs, with Camdyn.
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And we took just a few outside the sanctuary after the service.
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It is just a privilege to dedicate Dylan to the Lord.
I pray that our house is a place where the Holy Spirit dwells and points Dylan to seek out Jesus. I pray for salvation at an early age for him and a lifetime of learning and growing to be more like our savior. I am thankful we belong to a church that recognizes the importance of the family unit and encouraging and supporting families to know Jesus. Thank you Lord for your ultimate blessing that you have given Ben and I in Kinley, Ty and Dylan.  We know what a high calling it is to be parents that are trying to raise Godly children.  It is not something we can do without God's continual guidance and provision.  It is a privilege that I am forever grateful for. 

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