Friday, December 5, 2014

Dylan Lee - 3 months

Untitled Dylan, Dylan, Dylan....
your third month can mostly be characterized as full of ear infections. 
 You are sweet as can be and want to be so laid back and happy but, you poor thing just have not felt good. We are now on round FOUR of antibiotics. You keep passing infection after infection back and forth between your ears. We have yet to make it back to a 2 week ear check without having to go back earlier for new medicine. 
 We are praying every day that you kick it. I am thinking you may have to be my first kid to get tubes. Dr. Scott says his litmus test for getting tubes is either one ear infection for 3 months or 6 in 6 months...we are fast approaching so we will see how it goes. 
 We will keep praying for complete healing and for the ear infections not to return. Here is a pic of one his dr appts.  One good thing about going all the time is that we get to weigh you like every week.  Right now you are about 12 1/2 pounds.  Even though your appetite goes down some when you feel bad, you are still growing and gaining weight which is great! 
Untitled When you are feeling bad and not wanting to lay down, the baby carrier and naps on mom do the trick.
Other than the ear infections, you have been fabulous. You are a smiley, talkative fool and I can't get enough.
 I just want to hear you talk aalllllll day long.
Here is a little video of you "talking" a bit. I have no idea why some of it is sideways....I am not an expert.
Your siblings are still your favorite people and like to love on you lots!
Untitled Untitled 
When you are awake and I am not holding you, you like spending time in your swing and on your activity mat Kinley's hand-me-down activity mat.
Poor third child gets nothing of their own.
 Kinley and Ty like playing with you on it too.
You have discovered your hands and you want them in your mouth all the time. 

My favorite time of day is the morning when you wake up all swaddled and have a huge smile on your face when you see me.
Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled We started you with a little time in your bumbo.
 You aren't totally ready for it yet but, you are close.

And we are getting excited for your first Christmas!
(too cute not to post twice) Untitled
Dylan, you are the sweetest boy and I take my time with you as the greatest gift.  I am so thankful God blessed me with the opportunity to be your mommy.  You are my best accessory right now and I love having you on hand every minute of the day.  You are so tough and so sweet and such an immense source of joy for our family.
I love you so much.
 Here are a few more 3 month pics. These remind me so much of Ty's in this shirt. Except he is only 2 months old and a little "fuller" than you at this point.
 We are working on it. 
 so smiley  
so serious...practicing your model pose...


  1. Love that sweet boy! He is getting so big! I just looked back at Ty's 2 month pictures. I didn't realize how much he and Anson look alike. They could be twins!

  2. I know this sounds crazy, but look into taking him to the chiropractor before getting tubes! When we moved to Austin, Molly got ear infections one after the other. We had already scheduled an appointment for tubes. A friend advised us to take her to the chiropractor instead, and she has never gotten an infection since - crazy! And just as a disclaimer - I'm pro-medicine and pro-doctor when it's needed. Just wanted to share! :)
