Monday, October 20, 2014

First Field Trip

Kinley had her first Kindergarten Field Trip this week! 
 I signed up to be a chaperone and it was my first day to leave Dylan. 
 It was weird leaving but, he did awesome with Honey and took a bottle well. 
 It was so exciting to just focus on and be with Kinley all day. 
 The field trip was to The Big Orange Pumpkin Farm in Celina, TX. 
 The pumpkin farm was like an hour away which is hilarious since there is a pumpkin farm literally a few hundred yards from her school on the same street. 
 But, the kids were SO excited about riding the school bus. 
 The parents met at the school in the classroom and then followed the bus in our own cars.
The kids were broken into groups of five with two parents per group. 
 Kinley and I were put in a group with her two new bestie friends in her class, they are twins and their mom was the other adult chaperone with me. 
 It was a dream come true for these girls. They were thrilled to be in the same group and asked us to take hundreds of pictures of the three of them with a ton of different backgrounds. 
 Here are just a few.
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There were also two precious boys in the group too that were precious and I promise, we didn't ignore.
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On the field trip the kids got to go through a Hay Maze, do a hay ride, feed some farm animals, have a picnic lunch and pick their own pumpkin. IMG_4135 IMG_4134
We tried for a couple class pics. Getting 20 kindergarteners to all look and smile is kind of impossible.
This one cracks me up.
 We sent all the kids over to the spider to take pictures and they automatically segregated into a boy side and a girl side. So funny.
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Petting and feeding the animals
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My girl...
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