Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fall Fun

We have had a little fall fun lately. 

 We went to Hall's Pumpkin Farm for the first of probably a dozen times we will go this year. 
 It is always a favorite and we mark our calendars every year by the corn crop and how it's growing. 
 We met the Barstads there on opening night and took part in all the fun. 

 We hayrided
Fed the animals
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Played on the old farm equipment 
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Posed with some pumpkins 
Posed with some wooden character cut-outs 
I think Kinley is pretending to be Avery's horse here 
 Got utterly lost in the corn maze 
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and pretty much conquered it all. IMG_3920 
Then we went back to our house for chick-fil-a and Dylan got some good loving on. 
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 We also went to the Calloway's Nursery family fun day and bought some pumpkins and took part in their festivities. 
 There was pumpkin decorating, popcorn, frozen custard, and planting for kids. 
The Nordells went too and it was an extra special treat when Kinley walked up and matched Mila and Ella without even knowing it, down to the bow and all. 
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