Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summer Gymnastics Show Off

This summer the kids have taken gymnastics together again for what's probably their last brother/sister activity to be enrolled in together. I just had to keep it going as long as I could and it has been a lot of fun. 
 They do not have a full on medal ceremony in the summer like they do at the end of the spring semester but, they do have parent show off and get ribbons. 
 And, after about 5 of these parent show-offs I finally clued in to bring my big camera lens to get some better pics from far away. 

 Waiting in the hallway ready to show off! Eric texted me this picture because Ty is cheesing so big and he never does that in a picture. 
Time for the group warm up... 
IMG_5544 IMG_5547 IMG_5548 IMG_5550 
Ty chasing hula-hoops after his turn on the wedge mat.
IMG_5555 IMG_5556 
Kinley's favorite...the rope
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the bars... 
IMG_5564 IMG_5593 
Ty's favorite...the trampoline
beam dismount... 
IMG_5573 waiting on ribbons
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Proud of their ribbons!IMG_2658

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