Monday, June 23, 2014

Father's Day Weekend

Ben and I spent Father's Day weekend at the lakehouse with some friends. 
 It was a trip we have been planning for a long time and took lots of discussions on timing and babysitters to make sure everyone could get there without kids for an entire weekend. 
 Father's day weekend just ended up being the weekend that would work. 
 There were six couples so we took some notes from Ben's birthday weekend and each couple had a team color for the weekend with the intention of playing lots of team games, 
which we didn't really do. 
But, everyone looked cute in their team bandanas. 
IMG_1944 Team Black
But, there was some game playing... 
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LOTS of eating... IMG_1976 IMG_1952 
And there was lots of boating and jet skiing and fishing. 
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and even a little off-roading 
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Since Saturday was national Flag Day, we had a little flag dedication ceremony around the fire pit. 
 We sang every patriotic song we could think of. 
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And Rodney serenaded us into the night with his guitar. 
It was kind of amazing for the girls because the boys totally took over meal-preparation for the weekend. 
 They like their outdoor cooking so there was a fried turkey and steaks on the grill and all sorts of "man food." 

 But, Sunday morning on Father's Day, the girls planned a special meal for the dads. While they were away working on putting the jet skis and boats back on the trailers we prepped a big breakfast and put out some Father's Day decorations. 
 We had also brought each dad a little something from their kids.
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We relaxed and ate breakfast and had each dad go around and read their notes from their kids. 
 There was lots of laughter and even some sweet daddy tears. 
 It was a pretty special moment. 
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It was a great, relaxing weekend with good friends. 

We came straight home from the lake and spent some time at my parents with my dad and Pepa for Father's day. We pretty much swam the whole time so, I don't have any pictures. And we went out to eat at Esparza's on Main Street with mom and dad and Matt for a Father's day dinner. 
 Picture opportunity fail. 

 But, afterward, we stopped by the airport on the way home to watch the airplanes land. This is one of our favorite things to do.
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Family selfie!
 I truly praise God that He intended for Ben to be the father of my kids and that this is true for him. 
I am humbled and grateful that my children have a father that is leading our family spiritually and prays with and for them daily. 
Happy Father's Day Ben!

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