Friday, April 25, 2014

Other March / April happenings

We spent an evening in Dallas spending some time with Uncle Matt-Matt before he left for Switzerland. He is over in Lucerne for 3 months for work and we miss him like crazy! 
 We can't wait to see him when he gets back. 
It was wacky day at school one day and these kids loved totally and completely dressing themselves.  Their favorite thing was the hair spray paint. I thought it was so funny that even though Kinley did not match at all, she still had a consistent theme of polka dots going...from bows to shoes, every single item had polka dots. 
Our usual routine on nice days is enjoying some brother/sister time in the backyard.
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And Ty has mastered the art of a good selfie. 
IMG_0654 Ben and I are LOVING being able to watch a live church service when we can't make it to church. We watched on our phone in the car on the way back from the lakehouse on his birthday weekend. And I am so excited to not have to miss church while we are driving to Disney. 
 We can just worship and listen from the car! So fun. 
 Ty and I got to spend some fun Friday time together. 
 One day we went to Southlake town center to shop for birthdays and spent some time at the fountain splashing the water and throwing coins in and had a lunch date at Corner Bakery.
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 Another day we went to Chickfila and Parr park to play around before picking up sister from school.
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 I also got to spend some fun one on one time with Kinley getting snow cones one day.
 We had a couple really fun birthday parties one weekend. Grady turned 3 with the cutest Racecar party.
Guiliana also turned 3 and had a egg hunt party. This was our only egg hunt with friends this year and it was so much fun for everyone.
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Sweet birthday girl.
Ryan Nordell dressed up as the Easter Bunny and it was so, so fun. I think the parents loved this as much as the kids. We could not stop laughing. 
 It was hilarious.
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For playgroup we went to the Children's Museum to see the Wizard of Oz exhibit.
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Somewhere UNDER the rainbow... 
And we can't visit the museum without sitting in the dinosaur footprint. 

We also spontaneously stopped by a field of bluebonnets in downtown Grapevine to run around a bit.
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I didn't get the best brother sister pic...but, I did get these gems that led to the instagram announcement of Baby #3. 
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Happy Spring!

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