Friday, December 20, 2013

While you were out room makeover!

About 6 weeks ago my cousin, David, contacted me about doing a master bedroom room makeover for he and Kristi while she was in the hospital giving birth to their third child.

 He said Kristi has been doing things little-by-little around their house updating and re-decorating but she really wanted to do their master bedroom. 
 She was 9 months pregnant and it was Christmas time and she just didnt have the time. He said he knew with the new baby coming that she would be spending a lot of time in their master bedroom and wanted her to just feel relaxed, peaceful and happy about the room. 
 How thoughtful and sweet is that!? 
So, I was in! 
 I have never done a surprise room makeover before so I was just so excited. David gave me a budget of $500 and told me to pick paint, bedding, curtains, room decor, etc. 
 We facetimed one afternoon and he showed me all their bedroom furniture and what was in their room and on each wall, etc. He gave me some dimensions and basically just told me to do something I would like. 
 I went on Kristi's Pinterest page and that pretty much served as my inspiration for her room. She had pinned lots of white with pops of coral and turquoise. I shopped around online and in discount stores and spent a couple weeks just gathering and putting it together in my head. 

 It was the most fun surprise ever. I got the call on a Thursday morning that Kristi was in labor and a few hours later that morning Byron Patrick Knowles was born. 
 He is just to die for and I could just eat him up! 
David was on it and that day contacted a painter who painted the room the color I had told him to buy. I had hounded David multiple times to get a family of 5 picture from the hospital and around 4 am on Friday I got this precious gem.  I am absolutely in love with Aubrey's face.  I can totally identify as a big sis of two brothers.  Precious.
 I sent it off to print and by 9:00, picture in hand, after dropping off Kinley for school, Mom, Ty and I were headed to Keller to work on the room. 

 Here are a few before pics from David and from the day we got there. 
 (I think the ones with laundry in the chair and an unmade bed are fantastic for before and after pics....I mean, this is real life) 
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And here is the AFTER!
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I just love how it turned out. 
 We didn't change too much but, a little went a long way. I got the bedding on, pillows from Kohl's, curtains from a local curtain store and rod from Home Depot. 
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I bought $6 lamps from goodwill and spray painted them white and bought new shades from Garden Ridge. 
I took pics from Kristi's instagram account and put them in Goodwill frames that I also spray painted white. I also added the new family pic to a canvas with mod podge so she could have a pic of Byron in her room too when she got home. 

As soon as I was done with the room I wanted to text pics to David but was torn because I wanted him to be surprised with Kristi too. He had no idea what all I had picked out or decided to do either. He told me if I texted him an 'After' picture, he would video tape her reaction to the room.....DEAL! 

 It was priceless. I am so thrilled she liked her room!  The emotional high of a new baby and post pregnancy hormones probably helped with this reaction...but, I just loved it.

 Congrats David and Kristi on precious baby Byron. He is gorgeous and such a fun addition to our family already. I can't get enough of him :)

1 comment:

  1. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS THE BEST!!! I just can not get over every part of it! you did an incredible job linds! it all looks so so good! and her response in the video is just my favorite thing. I feel like we are watching the show! you are such a servant linds. its so fun to watch you bless other people.
