Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gymnastics Parent Observation Day

We got to sit in and observe Ty and Kinley in in their gymnastics class this week. 
 And it was a treat. 
 Let's just say it's good we are enrolled for spring classes too because there is plenty of skills left to conquer. 
 It's also a good thing for us moms to be inside the gym and be forced to watch every turn for our kiddos. Because otherwise we just sit behind the glass window and chat it up and stare at and hold precious babies like Camdyn baby cute is she??? 

 I love how the bigs and littles all warm up together and then split into their respective age groups. Kinley tries to keep Ty in line and direct him where to go. 
 I love this pic of him waving in the back behind Kinley working hard to warm up. 
IMG_4583 IMG_4588 IMG_4591 IMG_4582 IMG_4595 
Mr. Rod is so great with the littles. Ty is not the best at paying attention but he just stays on Ty and keeps him in line until Ty listens and obeys. 
At one point during a transition from the trampoline to the floor Ty veered off course a bit to the rope just to touch Kinley. 
 Sweet brother. 
 She politely directed him back to his spot. And look at Tatum climb that rope! Go girl.
Hud and Ty high-fiving and admiring each others shirts and Druz just looking back at momma. IMG_4617
Aslynn showed off her suberb hulahooping skills. 
 And then Kinley put on a show...around her ankles. 
 Look at that face. 
 God love her.
She sure can run...
Ty's turn with the hula hoop. 
IMG_4614 Running around after that hula hoop...and check out Kinley on the rope now! 
Showing me his stamp at the end of class. So proud. 
Here is the best pic I got of both of them. I'll take it. 

1 comment:

  1. I am obsessed with Kinley's working hard face! I love it so much! and way to go tyty! y'all are the cutest gymnasts out there!
