Thursday, November 21, 2013

Visit to the Ranch

This past weekend Ben was out of town with his dad to go watch K State play TCU so the kids and I made a quick trip to East Texas to visit Inie and Bull. 
My kids get so excited to go visit the ranch.  They did great in the car, slept all night and I could not have asked for a better trip from them.  We played around a lot at this house this trip. Kinley read books with Inie for what seemed like forever, we played Go Fish and Old Maid, she put on a show singing her Thanksgiving Program songs for Inie and Bull and we went down to the pond multiple times.
At the pond Kinley found this bucket I think Inie uses as a seat when her dog, Tebow, wants to swim.  But, she just found some sticks and used it as a drum.
Watch out Marina!
I also found her like this putting her dolls to bed and reading them a story.
We also went down to the ranch and explored all over the ranch on foot, in the work truck and in Bull's Ranger.
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Kinley and Ty were super helpful sweeping up Bull's shop. We put them to work early in our family. Untitled
Such a classic pic of Bull and his ranch dog, Trey.
We stopped down by the river and let the kids explore a little. It basically turned into a digging up mud adventure.
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They loved exploring the campsite that all the boys have built.
Kinley seriously wanted to nap inside this container. They have 10 beds set up inside and she just thought it was so cool.
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She settled for pretending to drive the old RV.
Tree climbing is fun!
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We played around in a hog pen. Bull said he caught 7 hogs inside one this week. Crazy!
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The cows are always the biggest hit! We tried and tried to get out and pet one but they were all too scared of us and ran away quick. Maybe next time.
Oh how thankful I am for honey and boss!!! Untitled Untitled We can't wait for our next trip to the Ranch!

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