Sunday, October 20, 2013

Golfing with Dad

Ben has loved golf ever since I have known him. He did not focus or play a ton of it during a lot of our early years together because he played ALOT of baseball. But, even while we were traveling and playing baseball whether in Michigan or Florida or New York or wherever....we would make time to golf together. 
 Ever since having kids I have not played much golf and Ben has gladly played solo or with family or with some guys. 
 But, that all changed this past weekend. 
 For the first time he took Kinley on a golf outing. 
 I must preface this by saying the only golf we do with our kids is in our living room. Ben teaches them how to hold a club and swing with plastic clubs and balls. 
 Kinley has never even played putt-putt. 
 So, when he wanted to take her golfing on an overcast and kind of drizzly day, I thought...good luck. We will see if she wants to go!? 
 Boy, was I wrong. 
 When he asked her "Kinley, do you want to go play golf with daddy?" 
 She promptly turned to me and said "Mom, don't miss us too much, we will be back soon." She was ready.  And to my surprise, she really was! They were gone for hours and Ben played all 18 holes. I got to take one pic of them together before they left but I crossed my fingers Ben would take some more. IMG_7159 
I think they just loved having that one on one time together. Apparently, Kinley's main mission was to clean the ball, tee, and club every time after she or Ben hit the ball. 
 Give that girl a task and she sticks to it! 
 For 18 holes. 
 Here are some pics Ben took. IMG_7160 IMG_7163 IMG_7164 IMG_7165 IMG_7162 
I just love this one. 
 I really hope this is the beginning of lots of father-daughter...and maybe family golf outings.
And, I am not sure he is up to 18 holes yet...but, Ty can definitely swing the club. 
 It's so cute. 
 Ben is a great teacher...which is good because if I ever start playing again, I will need some lessons!
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  1. This is so cute! I love that everyone in the fam loves golf! It would be Bob's dream if I had any interest in playing! I will gladly sit in the cart and clean with sweet kinley!

  2. Can’t wait ‘til you officially become a golfing family! Having an activity where everyone gets to participate is such a joy to see. Even the golf in the living room session is already a moment to cherish. :)) Louise@Winning Ways Golf
