Sunday, October 6, 2013

A little catch up...

Here is a little lot of catch up on what we have been up to lately....

 We love family nights out at grapevine mills. There is usually lots of carousel rides and food court eating and these two love it.
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We had some fun late night neighbor time with the Bartels one evening.
 We played Disney scene it and the girls played dress up and the daddies had to be their "princes."
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We got to go watch Maverick and Parker play soccer one Saturday before the weather got too cool. They had quite the cheering section.
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I think Ty wanted in on the action.
We painted some pumpkins one day when we got out all our fall decor.
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Ben and I had a date night with Alex and Mendy at the Gaylord and it was so much fun!
Ben was getting a little tired of Ty's combover...although I loved, he decided to cut Ty's hair one day. Ben has cut his own hair for years and is not about to pay for Ty to have a haircut when he doesn't. He did a great job but I was a little sad to see all that baby hair go and Ty turn into a big boy in front of my eyes.
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With Kinley things are never boring. All it takes is me asking her to bring her plate to the kitchen from the table and before you know it she is Tiana the waitress in New Orleans and is singing "Almost There" twirling around the kitchen until she reaches the laundry room and grabs a broom to sweep up like Tiana does.
 Life is truly a musical for this girl.
Kinley got her stitches out. This a pic 13 days after the incident before stitches were taken out.
Good ole Dr. Scott taking out Kinley's stitches
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 Not going to lie..the cut still doesn't look that great and there is still quite a separation. We need to butterfly it together for another week and keep it out of the water and then put mederma or some other oil or something on it 3 times a day for 3 months to try to slow down terrible scarring.
 But, it may always look a little separated.
She was still excited to get the stitches out though.
We celebrated by going to the pumpkin patch on opening day just she and I. We bought tickets for an opening night hayride later that day but spent a little time just us girls doing the corn maze and playing.
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I could not resist the kettle corn.
 It is just too good.
 Mom and Dad bought Kinley a new cheerleader outfit at an SMU game and she LOVES it. She was teaching Ty some cheers.
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This weekend Ben and I participated in an incredible service project at church where we made 309,000 meals for children in Haiti. It was seriously so much fun to be a part of. And doesn't Ben look hot even in a hairnet!?
This weekend we also had September and October family birthdays at Aunt Jan's house. I could not get enough of Rilee and Taylor. I mean, I don't think there has ever been a cuter baby in a helmet. I just love it Tay.
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Ellie got to come and play with Kinley for a while and they always pick up like they see each other all the time and play so well together. They were both excited about holding those baby girls! They even made sure to switch mid picture session so they could each hold both.
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If only Ty would have smiled like this for his school pics which we have none of because he refused to take one...IMG_6926
Ben picked up our picnic table from David this weekend. He made it for Ty's birthday and painted it the turquoise I wanted. It is so, so cute and made dinner on the back porch in this amazing weather just perfect (even it it was McDonalds).  I am so thankful for this table and excited for many, many more meals to come outside. 
Side note...this is how Ty smiles every time he's in the sun..super sensitive to the light. 
 A good mom would give him some sunglasses.
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I think that catches me up a bit. I just love October! 
 Many more pumpkin patch pics, fall decor, halloween costume pics to come. So glad its finally starting to feel like October. 
 Happy Fall Ya'll!

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