Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BFF Dinners

Ever since Kristen and Jeff have moved to McKinney this summer, it has been such a dream come true for us.
 Kris and I lived either next door or in the same house or room together from the ages of 6 to 21 (minus 2 years when she started college and went to ACU) but we have not lived in the same town for the last 9 years...basically our entire married with kids life.  So, we have definitely been so pumped to have the Barstads closer. It's not next door...but, so much better than hours away.
Same with Allison. We all lived in the same neighborhood growing up but I haven't lived in the same town as Al since high school. Kris and Al have since had 2 years at ACU and 3 years in Lubbock together but have been apart the last 3 or 4 years also.

I feel so thankful about how protective and intentional Kristen and Allison and I have been in our friendships since high school and college. We know that it is super rare to have those close friendships for so long. Our moms are all best friends that see each other everyday and still live close and that does help us stay connected at times but, we all are just extremely close in our own right.

 We have all moved on in many respects and have our own lives and wonderful friends and routines outside of each other but, nothing takes priority over time we all get together because it has been so rare!
(this is so super cheesy I know) 

 Anyway, since the Barstads moved here in June we have seen them almost every single week. Either in McKinney or in Colleville or the 4th of July in Granbury we have made time to see them as much as possible before school and a crazier routine starts.

 Lately, we have gotten into the weekend family dinner routine that Kristen and I used to have when we were kids with our parents. It came to be some sort of a tradition that almost every Friday night when we were kids, the Halberts and Howes would get together, order pizza and Chinese food and make 2 pitchers of for adults and one for kids. The parents would hang out and as kids we would either swim, watch Nick at Nite or just play. These nights are some of our favorite memories. I distinctly remember one weekend night when they tried to trick us and say we all had to stop playing and go to our own houses for "family night" and then laughed, threw a watermelon in a pool and said "just kidding, its a combined family night, just the 10 of us!" As kids, it was like you told us we were going to Disney World.

 Here are a few pictures of our first time of second-generation family dinners. These boys went fishing and caught lots of big catfish while the rest of us stayed back and played at the house.
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Ty was automatically drawn in to the fish and not scared at all to try to hold must be a boy thing.
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Kris got me some awesome headbands from American Apparel for my birthday and I think I have worn all 4 of them already.
We got an amazing Fantastic Gymnastics performance by these 3 girls.
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After dinner we went to the park to feed the ducks and play on the playground. Ty may or may not have fallen off the playground directly onto his face onto the bark that cut him up and made his gums bleed. Since he's totally fine, I have to say it was worth it to get these amazing pics of the kids feeding the ducks at sunset.
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Then....this past weekend, Allison, Bob, Ella and McKenna were in town too and it finally felt complete! I cannot wait until they move back to the metroplex too because it will seriously be a dream come true. IMG_0003 IMG_0007
Allison brought glitter tattoos and they were all the rage on the front porch. I think we basically superglued glitter to each kid in 3 different places.
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After dinner we went out for ice cream in the town square and it was so fun!  IMG_0028
We even played a little duck-duck-goose in the middle of the sidewalk and took a group kid pic.
IMG_0029 IMG_0030 IMG_0012 How cute are these dads that love to spend as much time together as we do!?
Even Bob said when we got together that this is the closest we have all lived to each other ever.  IMG_0008 IMG_0016
Ty and Kenna are just too cute together. IMG_0019 Ty & Kenna
Well, it was fun for a second.
And these sweet BFFs are a dream come true for their mommas. IMG_0025
I know it sounds so cheesy but, I think in our heads we all wanted to live in the same neighborhood and see each other every day and grow up all friends with each others friends and have our whole adult lives mimic our childhood.
But, I am so thankful for where our lives have gone.
I know we have all been changed by the new places we've been and the amazing friends we have met.  We would not change where we are now and know God has placed us exactly where we are meant to be.  I just am so glad that we all still talk daily and know each others hearts and want to raise our kids together in whatever way that means.  And I I feel like when Al & Bob finally move to the metroplex too we will have gotten the best of both worlds.  I am so excited about where the years will take us and the memories we will continue to make.


  1. Amen!! I love everything you said and could not agree more!! I loved our life growing up so much and am so thankful we can continue it on for generations! And our kids just love each other and that means so much! I can't wait for so many more memories to come! Love y'all so so much!!

  2. I love this! Not cheesy at all...most people I know are not still friends with their high school BFF's so it is rare. Obviously you guys just all need to move back to Woodland Hills at some point :)

  3. This makes my heart so happy! I love it so so much and wish we could be done today and move there tomorrow! Someday soon! Love you!

  4. You girls and just too blessed to be able to do this. You know the true meaning of family, friends and traditions. So important! And Kristen, the looks on Ben and Avery's faces look just like looks I've seen on yours when you were little! All beautiful kiddos!
