Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Western Day

Yesterday was Western Day at school.  And as luck would have parents happened to go to the Fort Worth Stock Show this weekend and bought two brand new pairs of boots for my kids.
They were so, so excited to get these boots. They have not taken them off for days. Ty's are definitely a couple sizes too big and fall off constantly but, every time they do he brings it back to me and says "boo" for me to put it back on. I never dreamed they would be such a hit but, I love that they are.
So, since Kinley got to wear her boots at school today, Ty was immediately jealous and went to get his. It was prime opportunity for some cute western day pics. I just love that we live in Texas and cowboy boots everyday are totally acceptable. I remember both of my brothers wearing their boots as toddlers obsessively and I can tell already that Ty will definitely be that way.
Before school, Ty would not hold still for pictures to save my life. Kinley tried her best to reign him in...but, to no avail.
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I tried on a whim to french braid Kinley's hair and was so excited when I could do it. It's a big day for us when we have enough hair to try a new hairstyle.
After school sheriff Kinley and her deputy ran around outside in their western gear again.
love her.
trying to squeeze him to pose again.
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Happy Western Day....


  1. Those pictures make me smile! I'm so glad they like their boots. Bart & Matt even wore them with shorts! Still can't get them out of boots. :)

  2. seriously the most beautiful kids ever!! i just loved seeing them yesterday!! (or whenever it was. im lost in my days...) and i love love love the tattooing with ella and kenna!! hahahhaha! SO CUTE!
