Tuesday, November 27, 2012


A little late, but better than never...here are a few pics of our crazy Thanksgiving.  I am sick to say that I never even busted out my real camera the entire week.  But, I had my phone so I managed to somewhat document what we did.  It was the BEST week and full of so many play dates and family time and food.  I loved having Kinkey home from school all week and having Ben home a few extra days. 

The Fogles were in town and Kinley and Eden got to spend some time together.  Even though I don't have one picture of them, they played and played like they haven't missed a step in the last couple months and had so much fun.   Their imaginations are so alike.  One would roll up in a blanket and say "I'm a hot dog." and the other would without flinching say "I am going to put ketchup and mustard on you and then say yum, yum, yum, that is delicious!"  I mean, who does that!? 

Kristen came in town and we had such a fun play date with Avery, Ben and Sassy.  I love that they are growing up knowing each other like Kristen and I did.  My mom brought to my attention the other day that I was Avery's age when Kristen and I met.  It is crazy how time flies and life circles back.  I stole one of Kristen's pictures of Sassy and Kinley in princess dresses and cooking dinner in the kitchen.
Sassy & Kinley
Then we had a play date with all the Knowles' at Lois and Jack's to spend some time good quality time with Sean, Camila, Winlon and Speight since they were in from Atlanta.  It really was the most peaceful day with 6 kids.  They were so polite and played so well together.  I wish they lived closer and we could play all the time!
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These girls are pros at the hug and smile pic.
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Grammy fixed a wonderful picnic lunch for everyone...complete with mini ice cream cones for dessert. IMG_2857 IMG_2858
Thanksgiving Thursday we started with a bang at the Ft. Worth Turkey Trot.  It was my first time doing a turkey trot and I really did love it!  I think it might be a new Thanksgiving tradition for us.  It was just nice to get outside and be active and all be together as a family. We had quite the brood with us on the trot.  12 adults, 2 kids, and 2 dogs. 
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And we got to see friends there too! Kinley, Ella and McKenna out ran us in no time!
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That afternoon we had Howe family thanksgiving at Lindas house.  She cleared out an entire room in her house to be a playroom and that was such a fun thing for all 9 great-grandkids.  They had dance parties and face painting by Jes. 
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We took some family pics and tried our best to get a good one of the great-grandkids with Inie and Bull. 
Winlon and Speight's favorite spot was right by Camila's tummy with that soon-to-be baby girl inside.
And speaking of soon-to-be's Aubrey and Grady are going to have another little brother or sister in June.  Kid #3 on the way for Kristi and David.  It was perfect timing when Aubrey announced to the family right before lunch that "my mommy has another baby in her tummy" in the quiet room after when Linda asked if anyone had anything else they would like to say.  I don't think it was quite planned to let the cat out of the bag yet but, she did it perfectly.

Friday we had Thanksgiving #2 with the Joyner side of the family.  Everyone was there and it was a total blast as well.  I did not take one pic and was starting to feel sorry for Kinley and Ty that they didn't have any other kids to play with on that side of the family until Amy and Danny dropped a bomb on us and let us know she is 13 weeks pregnant with TWINS!  I immediately burst into tears and was uncontrollable with excitement.  It took me totally by suprise how emotional I was about it.  But, I totally was.  I just can't wait to hold those precious angels in my arms in May.  We will be praying for healthy pregnancies all around for our sweet cousins. 

We are so thankful for all the family that we have and that everyone loves to get together and spend time together.  It is such a special time of year to be purposeful in our thanks and inentional with our time.  I can't wait for the rest of the holiday season to unfold.


  1. Oh my gosh I love Kinley's pigtails! I can't believe how long her hair has gotten!

  2. We had so much fun! Winlon keeps asking me when we're moving to Texas so maybe we'll get more frequent playdates at some point!

  3. those pig tails could eat me alive! she is just so beautiful!! and all of those kids are so cute! and the hot dog story cracks. me. up. hilarious! and TWINS!! THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait to see amy gail and hug her! that is so exciting!!
