Friday, November 30, 2012

November phone pics

I was going through my phone and there were so many pictures from November that I didn't blog about so, I decided it might be worthwhile to do a phone picture dump for the, here it goes!

Kinley is always down for a photo op. Here she is in her gymnastics leotard. IMG_2745 Ty does not always love it so much. IMG_2746 but, if you can get him to do it...he has the cutest cheesy smile ever. This one is little like elvis...but, he was practicing his guitar. IMG_2752

Linds had the most precious angel girl in the world, baby Maddox. If I go without seeing her for a few days I have to get in there and get some snuggle time. IMG_2769 IMG_2777 IMG_2778

The aggies beat bama on the road this month. That was a pretty big deal in our family. Every so often Uncle Matt Matt will just randomly text..."Aggies beat Bama on the road." And he says if you ask him in a year how he is doing he says he will say, "I'm fantastic...the Aggies beat Bama on the road."
Well, we watched that win from the tailgate of the TCU vs. KState game with these precious ladies. IMG_2782 And KState pulled out a win so it was a good day all around for the Howes & Harrisons. IMG_2785

I had a donut date on the way to Bible Study one morning with these angels. IMG_2790

It has been hot in Texas most of the month of November and Kinley decided to dress in her hawaiian outfit. (And don't be alarmed..I don't just banish Ty to his crib like he is being punished...he just loves to get in there and snuggle with his blanket and pacis sometimes so Kinley and I keep him company)
IMG_2792 IMG_2794

We didn't do much crafting besides the pinecone turkeys and thankful trees but, we did make these gumball favors for Kinley's class for Thanksgiving. IMG_2798

Kinley can now do her hair in "big girl" pigtails. That means they are on the lower part of her head instead of up high like puppy dog ears. It was a pretty big day in our house and she loves them. IMG_2819

We decorated for Christmas the weekend before Thanksgiving. We just knew the week of would be crazy and we wanted to have it up to enjoy before we leave town for Christmas. IMG_2813
And the kids got into the Christmas spirit with their matching pj's that were delivered. IMG_2870IMG_2869 IMG_2868
ooh...they just melt my heart. IMG_2863
What a wonderful month. Decemeber here we come!


  1. Kinley so cracks me up posing so much with her hand on her hip...just like the big girls do!!!
    Great November catch-up sweet niece. Priceless!

  2. Those last pics in the jommies and pig tails KILLS ME!! i love these babies so much!
