Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Well, my little Elmo princess and little tiger had so much fun for Halloween! Again this year we went to our church Fall Carnival. 
 The Fall Carnival thing is totally new to me since having kids. We never did that growing up. Growing up  Kristen and I always dressed in similar costumes each year...(except for the year I went as Miss America and she went as Mary the Mother of Jesus...she was always so spiritual!)... and our parents always had a "court party" where all the moms set up lawn chairs at the end of our cul-de-sac and waited on the trick-or-treaters. We always had smores and apple bobbing and a pot luck dinner. It was really so much fun. At some point the dads usually took us trick-or-treating through the neighborhood. 
 This was one of the reasons I have always loved Halloween. It brings neighbors together. It doesn't matter if you have kids or not or if they are the same age or if you have young and old couples on your street...everyone just gets to hang out outside together. 
 I really hope that we can start those traditions again some day and that my kids will eventually love trick-or-treating. 
 But, all that aside....the Fall Carnival idea is phenomenal. It is just perfect for our young kids. There is just everything my kids could ever want all in one place. Pony rides, petting zoos, carnival games, bounce houses, face painting, carnival food, and candy galore. It is truly so much fun. 

 We started the evening off like we do every year. Honey always wants to come over and see the costumes and give the kids a little Halloween treat of her own. She got Ty a book this year (because he is currently obsessed) and Kinley a new fairy princess dress (because you never really can have too many). For a minute I thought we might have to ditch the Elmo princess costume all together and be a fairy princess because 
 But, she was excited to show off her costume and soon jumped right into Halloween mode. 
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Around that time Ben came home dressed as a penguin. They always have to dress up for Halloween every year for his work and he and 11 others were dressed as penguins. Both our kids were terrified. IMG_2007 IMG_2006 
Then, each year, we go to Pops & Grams first and park our car there and take the stroller to the Carnival. Gram always has some great treats for the kids and we take some more pics. IMG_2012 IMG_2008 
Ty has the cutest head piece to go along with his tiger costume but, it was truly torture to him to have it on. Poor thing...had to have a picture even if it was torture. IMG_2011 IMG_2010
The carnival was just a blast. Girlfriend was on a pony in the first 30 seconds.. IMG_2017 IMG_2014 
Petting Zoo... IMG_2034 IMG_2028 
Ty was totally mesmerized by the huge bounce houses. They had lots of blown up animals on them and he just couldn't get over it...
  IMG_2033 IMG_2076 IMG_2048 Showing off her costume
Tons of friends from school and church and playgroup were there. We all got to meet up and hang out together. 
Had to hug Mav as soon as she saw him...I mean Spider Man. 
Mav playing a carnival game.. 
Kinley's turn...
Ty kicking a soccer ball with his buddy Ryland.. IMG_2036 RyRy as precious prince charming...
A little while in we had to take a candy break... IMG_2062 IMG_2061 
I can tell she is telling Parker "this is my baby brother TyTy." IMG_2057 
Sweet fishy Guiliana... 
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This is all the kids in the playgroup taking a candy break and we are attempting to get a group shot.
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This is what we look like trying to get everyone to look at the camera. 
We were so blessed to have Pops, Gram, Honey, Boss and Aunt Minnie and Uncle Alex come to the carnival with us. We love having so much family so close and involved.
It was a Halloween success! Hope yall had a great night too! IMG_2040


  1. That's the same tiger jack was last year! He hated the hat... Threatened to call CPS if I made him wear it. Love all the pictures! Miss y'all so!

  2. Ben's outfit is scary looking!!! Really cute Halloween pictures. Looks like lots of fun. Love you.

  3. The penguin costume cracks me up! I love Ben! I love the carnival! Cutest pictures! You are beautiful and I love ya'lls matching Halloween shirts! Such a fun Halloween! Miss you guys!

  4. cutest elmo princess and tiger I have ever seen!!! i wish we had been there to celebrate with yall!! so much fun!!!

  5. I love Leslie's face in that picture!! haha
