Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Visit to the Farm

Last week Ben took a couple days off after the 4th and we were so excited to go to the farm to visit Inie & Bull!  It was Ty's first time to East Texas and it was long overdue.  Inie & Bull have been around here to see him and hold him a couple times but, we had not been up there yet.  So, we finally had a couple open days to go!  It was such a sweet and relaxing time.

Pretty much as soon as we got there we headed off to the farm.  Kinley could not wait to see the cows! 
I love the ranch because you I see cool things that I never see anywhere else.  Like this old grain bin and windmill...
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or some broken down tractors and trucks that may sit there for decades....
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and you can't beat this view of the river and the barn.

We drove around for a while and saw lots of the land and lots of baby calfs.
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It is fun to watch Bull's cow dog, Trey, work the cows and jump in and out of the back of Bull's truck.
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Ben wanted to take a ride in the new Polaris my dad just surprised Bull with last week.  It was a pretty cool ride.   He can get pretty much anywhere on the ranch with it and said he had been to see places he hadn't seen in years.
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And then, Bull hopped on his feeding tractor and called in the cows to eat.
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And they came.....

Back at the house, we just spent lots of great time together and ate lots of amazing food.  Inie is truly the best cook I know and she can whip something out of nothing with such ease and you want to lick your plate clean.
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Inie has a new puppy. Yes, my 87 year old grandmother just bought herself a new puppy. She named him Tebow.  She thought he might live up to his name and be the perfect dog....but, he is a little fiesty.  
We took him for a walk to the pond with us but he had to stay on a leash to make sure he wouldn't jump all over Kinley.
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Kinley thought Tebow's kennel was a fun place to play and Inie got a kick out of it.
This sweet angel slept with me and slept like a champ for 12 hours totally perpendicular...but, how can you not just want to eat him up!

When we woke up in the morning, my cousins Jeffrey, Jeremy, and David had all stealthily arrived throughout the night and were ready to have breakfast with us before a long day of work.  What a fun surprise!!  They had plans to cut down a tree at Inies and load up another tree on this massive trailer.

The pine tree at Inie's was down and chopped up before I could finish cleaning up breakfast.  Jeremy is a total pro and it was quite impressive.  For some reason, I don't have any pics of Jeffrey.
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All in all, we were only there for about 24 hours but it was so fun and such a great time.  We can't wait to go back!


  1. love the new puppy, Ty sleeping on his tummy and of course beautiful Kinley in her pretty blue dress:)

  2. I have such fond memories of taking all you kids to the farm. Ya'll loved it there as much as Kinley and Ty will love it at Inie and Bull's place. Seems just yesterday your dad was holding you in his arms while you pet one of the cows! Love you.
