Friday, July 20, 2012

Ty - Crawling Video

Loving this sweet crawler.
And, I just love this song too.
To just remember that Jesus is always there by my side.
I hope Ty knows it too someday and is more sure of it than anything else.
Song Credit: "By Your Side" Tenth Avenue North


  1. Oh boy, he is on the move now!! I love that song, too. I think it's so sweet how Kinley is in the background in all the videos. Precious!

  2. God love him!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  3. I just cried and cried through the whole thing. Just the sweetest song reminding us how He is by our side always- you and Ty. me and my kids. Even when we don't know why things are happening or whats ahead or whats going on with our kids and we cant fix it- He is there. Just a sweet reminder that He is always there. and was there through all of this. Love it so much!
