Wednesday, June 13, 2012

a little catching up

Here are just a few pictures from the last week or so to see what we've been up to... Kinley got her 2nd haircut ever. She requested it and loved sitting in the fun cars and watching Mickey Mouse while getting her summer 'do. Kinley haircut Ty attempted to chase around a rolling sippie cup... ty & sippie cup and thought he needed a haircut too or just wanted to play in the firetruck seat. ty firetruck Ty has been teething like mad and sleep is not so sound but, he loves sleeping on his momma and I just can't resist it myself very easily.
 Ty sleeping Ty sleeping2 We went to the lake again last weekend and there was lots of swimming and dock sitting. kinley swimming ty on the dock 2 Ty on the dock 1
Ty has learned to eat puffs and just thinks it is the coolest thing. He is so proud of himself when one successfully reaches his mouth. eating puffs Also, some princesses came by our house the other day. Princesses
And Kinley started her first gymnastics class. She LOVES it....maybe it has something to do with her hot pink butterfly leotard??
Gymnastics 1 gymnastics 2
What has summer held for ya'll lately??

1 comment:

  1. Always LOVE the lake picture. I bought Audrey a Princess Tiana dress up dress for her. She loves it. Got the idea because Kinley loves them so much. Sweet sweet baby boy!!! Obviously Kinley gets her athletic gymnastic skills from her Aunt Jan! Love you.
