Friday, May 11, 2012

come on summer...

I am just loving that summer is coming.
I feel like this spring has been so, so busy and that we have something scheduled every single day. I am looking forward to more mornings like this where we just hang out together and enjoy each other. Kinley dotes on Ty and helps him with his paci all the time and makes him laugh and he just can't stop smiling at her. They are always up for a photo shoot.  It's like they just ham it up when the camera comes out....and they were somehow coordinating so I went for it. 
I am excited to see how their relationship develops over the summer.
I know Sept 14th will be here before we know it and Ty will be one. I can't believe it. IMG_0367 IMG_0382 IMG_0376 IMG_0375 IMG_0371 IMG_0373 IMG_0383 IMG_0370 IMG_0361 IMG_0372


  1. Models! They are models Lindsay! Oh my goodness, these are the sweetest most beautiful big sister and little brother pictures I have ever seen. I love Ty and Kinley!

  2. Kinley and Ty are SO beautiful, Lindsay!! And their precious smiles just radiate such joy.... I love reading your blog!

  3. so freakin gorgeous! ahh! i love them so much.

  4. Just look at those happy kiddos!!
