Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Birthday Catch Ups

Things have been busy over here this week with tax season wrapping up. Balancing work and life has been challenging but so much fun. We have been having lots of fun and had a great Easter weekend that I can't wait to blog about but, that seems to be what has gotten put on the backburner lately. It has definitely not been my intention to let the blogging slide a little...but, it has just seemed to happen that way. I think the Spring just does that to you! We start to get outside more and do more activities and with birthdays and tax just seems to be a lot!

Anyway, I wanted to play catch up a little and post some birthday celebration pictures. My mom's birthday is actually in early March but we waited until after her trip to Africa to celebrate. Mom & Dad and Uncle Matt Matt came over to our house for dinner, dessert and presents. Kinley loved helping me make Honey's cake while Ty had his first taste of real bananas!
We made a cream cheese banana bread bundt cake with an orange glaze from an Eat at Home menu. (I am LOVING the Eat at Home Weekly Menus from the eat at home cooks by the way. Lots of home-cooked meals...we have loved them all...lower grocery bills...tons of variety....and no advanced prep...perfect! I may blog about this again and again as I find recipes I just love)
We took lots of pics with Honey for her birthday...and Boss and Matt Matt.

We also celebrated Ben's 28th birthday. Kinley and Ty helped him blow out candles and then we went to the petroleum club to celebrate with Mendy, Alex, Gary & Cheryl.
ben bday 3
ben bday 2
ben bday 1
We also did some birthday celebrating for Ben at the lakehouse over Easter weekend. More on that to come soon!


  1. i cant wait!! love these pics so much!

  2. I am loving Eat At Home! Chris and I hardly ever eat out and sometimes I think the hardest part of cooking is coming up with the ideas. I like to plan our meals and groceries, so this is right up my alley. The kids are growing! What cuties!
