Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Shower gifts and a quick trip

First off, let me say WOAH and thank you to all the comments, emails, facebook messages, and phone calls I got about my confessions blog post. I think I sounded a little more like a debbie downer than I originally intended...but, I was just keeping it real. I have to say, I was so very encouraged by every person that reached out to me. It really makes a girl feel supported, understood, identified with and like maybe I could help reach and encourage someone else out there too.

Anyway....I wanted to do a quick post to tell you about an amazing trip that Ty and I went on at the end of last week. We got to fly to Houston and spend a day and night with my BFF from college Lindsay! Thursday night was her baby shower and Friday was her 30th birthday. She and her amazing hubby, Adam, are expecting baby boy Knox Adam Barry on March 29th. I am over the moon for Linds and Adam and this sweet angel baby boy. It was a complete joy to celebrate and they are going to make amazing parents. Sadly, I do not have ONE picture from our trip except a pic on my phone of Ty on his first plane ride.
Everything started out great but after about an hour and a half of being in Houston, Ty started a screaming crying fit and did not stop for over 2 hours. And, if you know Ty at all....that is about 2 hours longer than he has ever been upset in his life. It was so sad. So, a trip to the ER later...(apparently they do not see babies under 18 months at any urgent care place) turns out Ty had a tiny ear infection that was very aggravated by the pressure from the plane ride. After some antibiotics, tylenol and benadryl to dry him up..he was a perfect angel. Or maybe just my little super hero.
The remaining 20 hours were bliss and he slept the plane ride home.
It was a rough start but definitely not enough to de-rail some great quality time with Lindsay and Adam.

I did end up getting Linds some things off her registry and baby boy stuff that I just love. But, I also ended up making her a fabric diapers and wipes case and a personalized wipes container. Mendy helped me a ton with these projects because she wanted to make some too. So, we had another friday night girls craft night while our hubbies were out of town and made these.
Mendy made a template from my diapees and wipees holder that I was given and it turned out perfect.
I saw this on Pinterest and used my silhouette to cut out the vinyl pattern for the wipes case.
And for the morning of her birthday I copied this idea off Pinterest.
Happy 30th Linds and we can't WAIT for baby Knox!

1 comment:

  1. what at trip! I am so glad Ty is feeling better. He is the cutest batman I have ever seen! I love all the gifts you made, so special and so so cute!
