Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kinley's first haircut

It has been a long time coming. Two years and 9 months to be exact.
But, we finally did it.
We got Kinley her first haircut. It was such an inner battle for me for months. Could I dare cut that little bit of precious hair that she has been working her entire lifetime to grow!?
It just felt so wrong.
But, it just got to the point where I could not handle the mullet anymore.
So, I just spur of the moment, before I could talk myself out of it, took her to chop it off. I told her when I picked her up from school that she was going to get a haircut and she cried the whole way there.
She was not interested.
But, as soon as she got there and saw the cool pink car and firetruck she could sit in and saw Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the tv...she just forgot she was afraid and could not wait to sit there. She ended up saying it just tickled her and she loved her haircut.

Here she is before...it is kind of amazing I let her mullet get so long.
I am not going to lie...I did tear up a little when she just sat there like a big girl and got her haircut. I guess that is normal.
The new Kinley. I think she looks adorable. Brandi, the hair cutting lady kept saying we could make her bob more dramatic and it would make her look more "edgy." I did not really feel the need for my 2 year old to pull of an "edgy" look. So, I just told her to go for "cute."
She did honestly say that it will probably be six more months before we need another haircut...and we will still just have to cut the back a few more times before we ever need to cut the front or sides. But, keep the faith...she is sure it will actually grow one day! Yay!