Friday, December 9, 2011

Kinley's 2 year old Christmas Program

Oh goodness...yesterday was Kinley's first preschool program! It was truly hilarious and so much fun to see. She has been singing these Christmas songs all over the house and signing the motions for weeks. She loves singing with Eden everywhere they are, like at chick-fil-a. She sings them in the car, while playing in her room, and for pretty much anyone who will listen. But, when it came to showtime, she just froze. Sweet angel was just SO shy and embarrassed. She would even spot Ben, Mom, Gary and I in the audience at the beginning and just put her head down between her legs because she was so embarrassed. Maybe she is just not ready for the stage yet with those bright lights and the dark audience. It was a little scary to her. She literally sat there with a stoic face and did not sing one word of 6 Christmas songs. She never really shed a tear or threw a fit or had to be taken off stage. She just sat there quietly, taking in her surroundings. Finally, at the very end of the last song she started waving at us from the stage. Still not singing but, at least we got a wave. Melt my heart! Sweet baby just does not love the center of attention...and I am totally ok with that.

She looked so precious in her shepherd costume and we could not be prouder of her! Here are a few pics of her walking in and out of the worship center and onto stage.
This was the shy smile we got a few times.
and here is a little bit of a sad face...
All done!
And here are a few clips of video from our iphones. She is on the very back row, second from the left in red. Wait for the end for her head to go funny.
Happy Birthday Jesus!


  1. Oh my gosh, that was the sweetest 2 yr. old program. Even if Kinley didn't sing a word, she was the cutest shepherd ever! I was so proud of her!

  2. oh gosh that is the cutest thing ever!! she looks so adorable and i love the wave!!! love that baby girl!
