Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Kris

Today is Kristen's 30th birthday! If you haven't seen Allison's post yet about Kristen...go read it. It is spot on and just so fun. I just want to give a short shout out to my best friend of 24 years. Kris, I love you to the moon and back. You are such a special friend to me and my life would not be the same without you. You are kind, compassionate, loving, fun, easy to be with, and such a joy to be around. I love laughing with you and crafting with you. I love crying with you and talking for hours and hours.
I love that even though we haven't lived in the same city in 6 years...we are still just as close as when we lived in the same room, house and next door. Thank you for not letting physical distance ever be an obstacle in our friendship. I know our kids will one day have memories like we did of pig plays, singing on mailboxes, and playing Island of the Blue Dolphin.
You make everyone feel like you are their best friend and that takes such a special person. Your heart is not exclusive or selective but just grows and grows for each person in your life. The amount of close friendships you have is astounding and would exhaust most people...but, you thrive on it.
I don't know how you manage to be so inspiring, creative, personal and fun without going insane...but, you do it beautifully. I hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating with your family and I can't wait to celebrate with you soon!!
Happy 30th! Can't wait for 30 more!
And my fav picture ever...that I might post every year...
Love you, Bing!


  1. what a perfect post! and that picture is so fantastic it should be shown every year! I just love it!

  2. Ok, I am cracking up at the picture! Love it! You guys are an inspiration to BFF's everywhere :)

  3. Oh m gosh I just got on the computer this weekend and i am so emotional about this post!! this was so so kind of you and i Just cant begin to tell you how much it means to me and how much you mean to me. and how much our friendship means to me. I love you so much and am so thankful for all those memories and everything we have done together for so many years. I can't wait to do everything together for so many more years! i love you so much!
