Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ft. Worth Stockyards

This weekend we took a little trip to the Ft. Worth Stockyards for the annual Chuck Wagon Cookoff. My cousin, Cary's, dad James has a chuck wagon there every year and participates in the competition. I am not exactly sure of all the rules but, it is a pretty cool idea. I know that each chuck wagon has to be completely authentic and everything on it has to be what would be authentic to the time period. Each contestant gets the exact same cut of meat and they prepare it how they would have on the trail back in the day. You can't use any ingredients that were not around and they dig holes in the ground for coals to cook the meat over. It is a really cool idea. We went on Sunday and missed the actual cooking day but, just looking at the chuck wagons was cool.
Here are the boys.
And Boss was grandpa of the year that day. So sweet to all the kiddos.
The Stockyards are also just so cool in themselves. It is a definite must-do if you have not been. There is tons to do. There is a rodeo every Friday and Saturday night and there is so much history there and the architecture is very authentic. They do a longhorn cattle drive multiple times a day, there is a giant wooden maze, a petting zoo, lots of great restaurants and mini rides for the kiddos.
We went with my dad and David, Kristy, Aubrey and Grady. We had so much fun with them! Kinley and Aubrey were like two peas in a pod and played so well together.
Aubrey showing me her boots
Picnik collage
How cute is this kid!?!
He kills me. To.Die.For. Clearly here he is still celebrating that Tech beat OU in football this weekend. Also, we were so totally excited that David and Kristy asked Ben and I to be Grady's Godparents! I still feel so thankful and blessed that they thought to ask us! We are committed to loving Grady till we die and helping to encourage and spur on his spiritual journey in a life that leads to Christ. We could not be more excited!

These last pics totally sum up what Kinley and Aubrey thought of the day and spending time together. They hit the jackpot when they got to ride this mini carousel...once. Truly, none of the 5 adults even had one more quarter to let them ride again. It was kinda sad. But, nevertheless, they loved it when they did get to ride it!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh the waving pics are so cute!!! i love those cousins together! and God parents- I love that. So sweet! congrats!
